15 Apr Why Online Ads Are Key to Building ROI
Ads, Fads & Digital Doodads
Any good marketing professional will tell you that you have got to get your company a website. No business can survive and sustain their growth rate without at least a landing page for consumers to be directed to once they hear about you.
Cloud based website development teams like Virtual Stacks Systems devote a rich bank of resources to not only creating excellent websites, but also to making sure those websites get noticed. With a highly trained Search Engine Optimization (SEO) department scouring the internet and flooding it with engaging information, every website is set apart from competitors in a big way!
You may have your own advertising budget and marketing plan in place but how effective they are can be maximized with the incorporation of online advertising techniques.
The use of Google AdWords allows for a website’s pages and advertisements to appear higher on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Not many searchers will enter keywords or queries into a search engine, like Google, and go directly to page 19. The success of a business’ website, and overall online presence, relies heavily on its positioning on results pages.
AdWords is an auction that determines:
- Which website ads hold more relevance to a consumer’s inquiry
- How important and successful specific queries are to specific markets or topics
- The amount advertising specialists will spend every time the ad is clicked on. This amount is called CPC, Cost per Click.
Keyword Planner
This tool is actually part of the AdWords community. It helps choose, examine, and rate the best keywords, key phrases and overall queries best for SERP placement.
- The most beneficial asset the Keyword Planner provides is the insight into ideal queries for maximizing Quality Scores for higher ranking ads.
- The higher a keyword’s Quality Score, the lower the CPC and the better the ad position or Ad Rank.
Webmaster Tools
This collection of analytics tools helps Content Managers and SEO specialists track and monitor the performance of a website. Detailed data is collected and reported revealing how the search engine’s algorithms comb each page of the website.
- Relevance and validity of the website’s content
- How many impressions, clicks and overall visits to the website
- Number and credibility of links directing to and from the website
- Up-to-date and accurate reading of the health and positioning of the website
Google Analytics
A dashboard that helps you monitor your website’s traffic. The tool works with the other website management tools (listed above plus more!) to help determine the state of the actual site. Google Analytics tells you what comes of the visitors that stop by your website. Helpful information is gathered such as:
- Possible Leads and Conversions based on why and how long consumers visited any of your website’s pages
- The demographics of the visitors to the website
- If it is an E-Commerce platform, any and all metrics related to transactions and inquiries
These tools and practices, plus many more, help build a solid foundation for managing a website’s health and continued growth. We at Virtual Stacks Systems use these and any other strategies you want incorporated to help you increase your market positioning and reap the results your business’ website deserves.
Whether you are a swimming pool leak detection company, primary care clinic, lawn care services provider, or medical weight loss provider, mastering SEO and SEM on the front-end will save you a lot of time and money on the back-end!